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Global Citizenship and Protocols

"learning today to enrich & empower tomorrow"

Course Code


Course Type

Skills Enrichment

Delivery Mode

Instructor Led

Course Duration

1/2 day

Course Material

Guidance Notes

Training Overview

In reality, we now live in a global community with a myriad of opportunities for trade and interaction with individuals and businesses of vastly different cultures. In fact, the interconnectedness of nations across the globe has within recent history placed some very formidable demands on businesses, the workforce and people in general for higher levels of intercultural competence.

Consequently, the capacity to interact, communicate and respond appropriately to citizens across global economic and social spaces, is becoming increasingly important to the defining and determination of organizational opportunities, particularly as such relate to the development of global partnerships with the potential to materialize into increase trade and overall success.

Notably as well, ongoing studies confirm that existing and potential workforce participants with inter-cultural and cross-cultural skills are more likely to gain employment succeed in their role or, than those without.

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Learning Today to Enrich & Empower Tomorrow!

Upskill and Excel Today


"successful people and organizations are those who commit to continuous learning as the platform for continuous improvement. They understand that knowledge acquired yesterday may not be relevant for tomorrow and with relentless passion "learn today to enrich and empower tomorrow" 

Learning Objectives & Modules

Global Citizenship and Protocols

Participant in this training course will learn about:

  • Module 1 - The Defining Context of Global Citizenship within a Changing World of Work & Business - In this session we define global citizenship and examine the unfolding nature of global business and the connective power of communities and cultures on the development and emergence of "global citizens". This session also proposes global citizenship as a naturally emerging factor that demands a developmental response by professionals, local businesses, business sectors and key elements of the workforce

  • Module 2 - Global Cultures & Protocols - Cultures and cultural practices define and can have differing impacts upon business outcomes. In this session we take a closer look at doing business within diffrent cultures by examining a range of country by country business-cultural practices, expected behaviours & protocols

  • Module 3 - Global Thinking in Business  - The strength of business in today's environment is highly dependent on leaders who think global and nurture a team of global thinkers. What this means and some of the fundamental steps for positioning as a global citizen will be the central feature of this session?

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Learning & Knowledge Enrichment Outcomes

Introduction to Global Citizenship and Protocols, is a must take training course that examines the concept of global citizenship and its importance in a highly globalized social and business environment. More central to this programme of training is the examination and analysis of a range of protocols on a country by country basis and how these can be leveraged to drive solid business relations, social interactions and advance thinking as a global citizen.

Who should attend

Departmental Managers | Supervisors | Team Leaders | Technical Staff | Front Line Staff

Electronic Book

Training Methodology 

Global Citizenship and Protocols

  • Full Power Point presentation with practical sessions and role play for application and reinforcement of learning principles;


  • Case studies to provide insights and give effect to best practices;


  • Application of principles and tools in scenario based sessions  

Corporate Training

To book this course for corporate training, click here

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